Sirens of Lesbos Take Us on a Mental Journey With "How Many Miles"  [Premiere]


As quarantine heat begins to beguile our collective isolation, the feeling of warmth can be both retrospective and surreal. Sunlight activates us to move, seek, and follow compasses we hold within - a part of our yearly journey. But for much of the world, we are now burdened with the opposite responsibility of staying in place, putting a pause on our natural rhythms, and limiting ourself to imaginational ventures. “How Many Miles", the new single from the Sirens of Lesbos imprint, is the perfect soundtrack for your mental journey; a glimpse of heeded optimism with vibrant, visual lyrics and a retro melange of family sitcom sounds that make you want to start out on a journey despite the limitations.

Described by Arci, one of the bands co-producers, the song's lyrics were originally about world travel with future children, "But now, as travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic keep us all from leaving our hometowns and further political isolationism fragments the world, the song kinda takes on a new, larger meaning, I think.”

Indeed they do, referencing far away destinations from Papa New Guinea to Mississippi, it makes for an exciting audio daydream as one paces a small bedroom, backyard or balcony. How many miles one can travel in this state is hard to discern, but how many great memories can you create, is a question worth answering. Sirens of Lesbos suggest “Many Many.”

Stream "How Many Miles" below:

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