Chelsea Cutler's "I Was In Heaven" Is a Remedy for Heartbreak

Photo: Meredith Truax
Homesickness is a feeling like no other. Sentimentality stemming from a self-indulgent tenderness for the familiar or familial can often be the hardest feelings to wade through. Combating homesickness is a constant battle when you can’t easily access the resources to return to that place you call home, but ultimately there still exists a passage to some sort of emotional resolution.
If you’re like me and frequent making homes out of people rather than places, then you understand the level of heartache that homesickness comes with when it’s attached to a person you’re no longer able to make amends with. Lucky for us, Chelsea Cutler has created just the song we need to carry us through the seasonal wistfulness.
“I Was In Heaven” is emotionally jarring. Cutler’s vulnerability is both heard and felt in-between each gentle strum of the lo-fi electric guitar leading the track. The song reminisces about a past love, noting the physical distance between the person being further than the loving memories of the relationship. Cutler’s voice animates the despair behind each of her lyrics, silently beckoning for her love to come back to where it belongs, back home.
Each layer of the 22-year-old’s vocals serves as a foundation for listeners to rest their head, as she gently guides them through their own emotions to the song's heartbreaking conclusion. Cutler spoke further on "I Was In Heaven," sharing,
"As much as love is a part of the human condition, so is heartbreak. I wrote 'I Was In Heaven' at a point in my life when that's exactly what I was going through. This song is really special to me because of how honest and raw it is, and I decided to keep the original demo vocals from when I wrote the song to really capture the raw emotion."
Chelsea Cutler is set to release her forthcoming album How to be Human on January 17. The album will feature “I Was In Heaven” in addition to some of the Cutler’s top singles, including the titular song “How to be Human,” “You are Losing Me,” and “Lucky,” featuring Alexander 23. As if the release of her album didn't already have us counting down the days, the Connecticut native has announced that she will be kicking off the new year with her "How to be Human Tour," starting February 13 alongside Alexander 23.
In the meantime, assuage the restless homesick feelings with the lyric video of “I Was In Heaven” below: