Hip-Hop Heavyweight Al-Doms Releases Powerful New EP 'NEW DREAM'

Photo Credit: Chris Crnza
This month, Virginia rapper Al-Doms returns with his latest project NEW DREAM, a nine-track EP full of some of the hardest hip-hop tracks to enter the scene this year. Though 2021 has been surprisingly devoid of high-energy rap records so far, fans of the genre need to look no further than this solid collection of brand new cuts. No matter what side of the hip-hop spectrum you may be more partial to, NEW DREAM's casual synthesis of modern abrasion and classic soulfulness provides a little something for every music fan.
Though two years have passed since Al-Doms' debut EP New Day, his latest project is full of hard-hitting and clever moments that suggest that the young rapper hasn't taken a day off since. With the energy of Denzel Curry, flow of JID, and quick wit of Vince Staples, NEW DREAM sees Al-Doms powerfully flourishing over 25 minutes of carefully polished instrumentals. Though early cuts like “RAT RACE” and “JUST ANUTHA” lean towards the high-intensity of modern hip-hop's register, "PSA" and "SLANG!" are much smoother, with Al-Doms carrying the effortless swagger of Smino or Big K.R.I.T no matter the mix.
On his more fierce cuts like "TIC TOC," it is interesting to note how even in the midst of a hectic mix full of thundering 808s and mechanical hi-hats, Al-Doms easily and consistently maintains his affinity for rapping and writing. In the case of many of his contemporaries, the relationship between beat and artist is comparable to that of two wrestlers - but under the direction of Al-Doms, he always remains at the track's focal point, controlling the beat like a tamed animal. This is likely due to a few things - Al-Doms' unique diction and impassioned delivery, his politically earnest writing style, and even his dignity as he provides listeners with a window into his world. With nine tracks reflecting an undying resilience and desire to not be just another statistic, NEW DREAM sees Al-Doms making a strong case for himself as one of this year's most promising rap talents.
Though NEW DREAM is so full of both bangers and intention that I could ramble about the finer details for much longer, it may be safe to say that Al-Dom's newest EP should be at the top of your musical backlog. Though fans of modern hip-hop and trap music will find plenty to love within NEW DREAM's 25-minute runtime, even older hip-hop fans will enjoy the distinct 90's flavor of "ICE CREAM" - one of the project's singles. By providing more critical and thoughtful writing to the forefront of today's hip-hop scene - let's hope that we won't have to wait another two years for the next Al-Doms record.