X Lovers Is a Shared Childhood Dream for World Domination


X Lovers was formed out of a shared childhood dream - the dream to "100% be the biggest artist on the planet no matter what it takes." While quite possibly the very definition of a dream larger than life, upon hearing the Northern California band's story and their music, you cannot help but root for them.

The project of London Jackson and Jacob Ames, the first spark of X Lovers began when the two decided that their childhood and teenage years were best spent dedicating their life to music. Starting their first punk band at the age of ten, Jackson and Ames would play anywhere that would have them, from throwing a ton of house shows to impromptu street performances. Today, X Lovers does not have to set up on a street corner to have people watch them play, with the duo quickly building up a fervent following, known as the "saints," with each new stunning release.


Citing their two biggest inspirations as Green Day and Kanye West, influence comes less in the form of pure sonics but a certain ethos. Much like those they admire, the duo is seeking to cultivate a sound that is wholly true to themselves yet with enough of a universal appeal that its impact on culture becomes undeniable. Here is where we get into the biggest dilemma and most fascinating aspect when it comes to attempting to describe X Lovers' music.

X Lovers sounds quite unlike anyone else out there. "Colder When It Rains" features a heavily distorted opening before giving way to longing falsetto vocals, only to subvert all expectations by diverting into a punk-inspired riff. Meanwhile on their latest single to date, "Dreams Where Ur Murdered," the perfectly indescribable duo launches into a haunting yet dance-inducing track that exists somewhere between dream and reality.

Taken altogether, X Lovers' ever-growing and evolving discography is rife with a rich sonic juxtaposition. With influences from their early punk days, sonic interpretations somewhat resembling but never quite falling in line with traditional pop standards, and a vision for inevitable world domination, you never know what to expect when a new X Lovers track or project drops - and therein lies the inherent excitement surrounding the duo.

X Lovers is venturing off into newfound musical territory, attempting to carve out a niche in today's nebulous music landscape that did not exist before they made it happen. While being one of the best pop, alternative or any other (insert genre here) acts is certainly a lofty goal in and of itself, to be the first artist of your kind takes something special, and X Lovers may just have it.  


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