Beabadoobee Unleashes Her Inner Grunge Roots on "I Wish I Was Stephen Malkmus"

There are two self-proclaimed space cadets making music in 2019, one being the Atlanta rapper with the stamp of approval from Young Thug himself, Gunna. The other upcoming space cadet is none other than 19-year-old Beabadoobee, the London native who's honest and youthful grunge continues to impress fans across the world.
Beabadoobee just released the first single off of her brand new EP – "Space Cadet" addresses relationships, change, and openly expresses how she just curls up and cries to Pavement, wishing she could be Stephen Malkmus.
The music Bea continues to release would most likely not be expected to come from the soft-voiced freckled girl from England. Bea has quickly taken over the indie world and is set to open for Clairo on her North American Immunity tour. Bea has ventured where few artists have gone, making 90's grunge music in the near 2020's. Also, she's doing it extremely well.

The chords on the new release are reminiscent of your dad's favorite band; Bea's soft voice contradicts the powerful thrashing of the guitar as she wails about her brand new hair, problems with her boyfriend, and growing up. The track's refrain is one of glorious self-acceptance as Bea ultimately pours out, "I think I kinda like it," with each new item presenting itself to her.
She reflects on how her newfound fame has resulted in a change in her personal life, her new tendency to feel lonely signals a few jabs at her boyfriend as she claims, "'cause your photos suck, your brand is shit." The ability to effortlessly let out this raw emotion with a charging grunge background epitomizes a teenage revolution of angst and energy.
What makes this track so special throughout is Bea's ability to remain playful and express her personality. With the screams going along with her line, "'Cause I sit at home, cry to Pavement," Bea lets out a small giggle, showing that all is well and most importantly that she's making this music with her best friends and having a blast doing it.
Ultimately, the track closes with Bea letting out a small chuckle and a bit of profanity which is a nice touch of relatability. Overall, "I Wish I was Stephen Malkmus" might be Bea's best track to date.
The track even caught attention from the man himself, lead singer of Pavement, Stephen Malkmus. Maybe one day he'll wish he was Beabadoobee.