Brooke Fair Proves She's One Beyond Her Years in "Universe"

The ability to watch a young artist grow from the very beginning of their career to super stardom is almost unfathomable, but what we crave most. That's what we've found in Brooke Fair. At the age of 16, Fair is setting out on a lifelong adventure of becoming the artist she wants to be. From the stresses of your teenage years, many often struggle to find an outlet that best suits them. An outlet to channel your inner anxiety, and the weight that's put on the shoulders of many teens nowadays. The efforts to endlessly fit into this cookie cutter world many highschoolers live in, Brooke Fair is taking a different approach to life and telling her story in her brand new single "Universe".
The heavy synth and deep bass song is chilling. The obscurity stands out and shows the potential and maturity for such a young artist. Pulling inspiration production-wise from artists like Billie Eilish and Melanie Martinez, you can see the influence that Fair plans to have on the younger generation. With the message of being true to yourself in a crazy judgemental world. Fair goes on to explain the single further:
"I started working on 'Universe' years ago, but never finished it at the time. Between when I started the song and when I came back to it to finish it, I'd gone through a few significant things in my life. A lot of my songs at the time that I started 'Universe' were just about boys and dating and boys taking advantage of me. I got tired of being taken advantage of and writing sad songs about it, so I turned this one into something more empowering."
Brooke Fair might be just 16, but her songwriting ability and her messages are beyond her years. The life she's carving out for herself at an age where not many can figure out what they want to do in their future, is one in a million. Fair is set out to be a figure of woman empowerment, and a voice for those who are feeling lost for her generation. Eager to see how Brooke Fair's career pans out, we're here to tell you she is definitely one to watch out for.