RMR's "Her Honeymoon" Explores the Hidden Tension Behind Fame

Photo By: @pure.psr
This week Atlanta rapper and internet favorite RMR returns with "Her Honeymoon," his latest release since last year's EP DRUG DEALING IS A LOST ART. Known for crafting melodic hip-hop tracks using elements of both trap and country music, RMR's affinity for dualism is made apparent on this captivating new single.
Just like RMR's "Rascal," his viral hit from 2020 where he soulfully interpolated an old Rascal Flatts track while brandishing guns with his friends, his newest single follows similar dissonant musical themes. "Her Honeymoon" is far more dejected - a desolate guitar track serves as the foundation on which RMR reflects on love and fame. There is a clear tension at work here, one that manifests both from the single's use of hip-hop percussion and country instrumentation, and its lyrical themes. RMR sings, “You can tell that I miss her, you see the pain on my face” just moments before crooning “It’s been a long day, hope she’s coming home tonight.” His writing and performance are expressive, and the more original music that he produces, the more that I find myself enamored with his talents in songwriting and subversion.
The accompanying visuals for the track are just as unique as the mask-wielding artist himself. The video for "Her Honeymoon" serves as part choose-your-own adventure, part metanarrative where RMR unpacks the situation for the viewer. Whether in film or music, RMR guides his fans through his own world - one that is familiar yet surreal and iconoclastic at the same time. RMR has yet to provide news on his forthcoming debut LP, but when he does it will certainly be something to keep your eye on.
Watch the video for "Her Honeymoon" below.